Saturday, March 10, 2018

So Far Everything's Good: Outline Time!

A flashback of SANDRA sitting with five of her CLASSMATES. They discuss their projects and give some feedback. SANDRA is slightly nervous at presenting her work, but willing to hear criticisms.
I sometimes forget how talented my classmates are. Yesterday was my wake-up call. We were grouped into tiny people pods to dissect each other's blogs and ideas. Many of us are working alone on our project and realizing how much work that is, but all the more, are energized by complete creative control. We all seem to share the same worries, which is quite comforting. Even though I am working alone, I felt supported. Also, everyone's ideas are just so cool?!? Wow, just wow. I'm so excited to see everyone's end product.

But I also came out of the experience with good feedback about my documentary idea. During my talk, I realized I need to flesh out my show outline more. 

SO, here is just rough outline of....

A [insert distribution method: Netflix Original, YouTube Red, etc.] miniseries that focuses on one high school in South Florida, where each episode a different "clique" is examined in depth [6 episodes].
Director: Sandra Salvatierra

BASICALLY, the show will be a miniseries in one high school as the case study subject (also known as Cypress Bay High School). The point of the series is to just show one school's student body and the different "groups" within it. I want to especially highlight groups that are not necessarily focused on as well in the classic teen/coming-of-age shows/movies (who thinks about the Creative Writing kids? Is Creative Writing even a thing in other schools?). I considered creating it a series with multiple seasons, with each season focusing on a different school with different groups, but I think to keep it as authentic as possible, I think just focusing on my school will evoke the most genuine content. My connection to the subject and knowing the people personally will allow me to showcase them in the most accurate way (if I were to hypothetically produce the entire series, that is). However, I do have to approach this project as though I were to produce this entire series, and what I am showing is to perfectly encapsulate the entire vibe of the whole production.

Now, here is one very valid question: who would care to even watch something like this, especially if I'm not from that school?

Let me expose you to a guilty pleasure of mine (besides Op-Docs; see last post if you are confused): "What High Schoolers Are ACTUALLY Wearing" videos.

Over SIX MILLION results. That's kind of a lot...don't you think?
These videos get hundreds of thousands of views, just through simple interviews in different high schools about what students are wearing. Do I attend any of these schools? Do most of these viewers attend these schools? No and no, and yet, they are still popular.

It is important to mention my target audience with my documentary is Generation Z, which is the high school age bracket (14-18). This all ties back to representation; people like seeing people who talk, act, and look like them on screen. They want a connection. What connects more to high schoolers than seeing actual, real-life high schoolers on screen?

Ok, things are coming together. I am DOING THIS, but so much more is to come. So, so much more.

Until then,

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